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ZENFUL Dog of the Month: Johnny Cash

Welcome to the December edition of ZENFUL Dog of the Month featuring a chatty ray of light who is beloved by everyone at Cani-Trail Club—Johnny Cash!

Johnny Cash (JC)

Age: Almost 10 (Wish JC a ‘Happy Birthday!’ on the 18th of December!)

Meet Johnny Cash’s Family:

Chantal (JC’s mom— ‘maman’): “Johnny Cash is my big boy! He keeps me grounded and keeps me moving. Just the thought of him makes my heart melt a little. He makes me want to be the best mommy in the world because that’s what he deserves!”

William (JC’s daddy): “JC is more than a pet, he is a family member. He is my loving companion and my best friend.”

Elsa (JC’s new canine sister): Elsa was adopted into the family three weeks ago and it has been a blast for Chantal and William to watch JC be the ideal big brother. Johnny Cash loves his new role of showing Elsa how things are done in their home. Elsa watches everything JC does and he absolutely loves the attention—but plays it cool.

How Johnny Cash got his unique name: Johnny Cash’s name upon adoption was just ‘Cash.’ Chantal and William thought this sounded too cold like money and thought adding ‘Johnny’ suited him much better! Johnny Cash also answers to ‘Mister Cash’ and ‘Johnny Boy.’

Chantal Tells us How JC Became a Member of the Family: “A few months after losing our beloved yellow lab of 16 years, we were ready to adopt a new family member. Our other dog, [Yogi], was also longing for companionship and Mister Cash was the perfect addition. Five years ago, when he first arrived in our home, he was a different dog. He didn’t know what a toy was, nor a pet bed. Never mind a spot on the couch! With time, he grew comfortable exploring every room and even learned what playing with another dog was all about. Yogi sure was the best companion for him— he brought out his ‘puppy-ness’!”

Johnny Cash's Personality: Chantal describes JC as a “BIG talker,” he has a lot to say! When they first meet up at the trailhead with others, JC likes to let everybody know that he has arrived. JC acts like he’s a big tough guy, but he’s a big gentle softy.

Chantal adds: “He loves nothing better than being told he’s a good boy! He likes to please, and when he does, he’s very proud of himself! When he’s at home, we rarely hear a peep out of him. He’s very quiet and calm, and we love him to pieces!”

Most Unique Thing about Johnny Cash: When he’s relaxed, Johnny Boy has this incredible way of looking into people’s eyes.

Chantal describes this experience: “When we’re on the couch and I’m petting him, he endlessly looks into my eyes, so lovingly. He loves it, even more, when I sweet talk to him! He’s the best!”

Johnny Cash's Favourite Treats/Foods: JC is on raw food and he loves the variety of vegetables that Chantal throws in. He’s always curious about what his meal will consist of! He also loves cheese and dry fish.

Johnny Cash’s Favourite Activities:

  • JC loves tagging along with the family’s plans

  • He loves hiking and camping—even though he’s the first one to get inside the tent trailer at night

  • He loves walks, car rides and going for a dip

How Johnny Cash Unwinds After a Full Day of Activity: As much as JC loves to participate in different activities, he’s a bit of a diva and loves snuggling up on the couch—especially if he’s getting a massage at the same time.

If Johnny Cash had a human voice: Chantal thinks Johnny Cash would of course sound like...Johnny Cash—“Charming with a unique sound—the dog in black!”

Johnny Cash’s Training

Johnny Cash started his training with Kendra in an adult socialization and skill group training class. Johnny Cash and Chantal (and now Elsa) are Cani-Trail members. They are very dedicated, they go to every class and Kendra and everyone else loves them.

Chantal Tells Us How Training has Shaped Johnny Cash: “Due to his dire situation prior to us adopting him, Johnny Cash was a bit on guard and extremely nervous around other dogs. Since we started the group classes with Kendra and ZENFULdog, then joined the Cani-Club, Johnny Cash has become so much more confident in himself and trustworthy of other dogs.

Kendra provides an environment that is safe for dogs to thrive and develop into the best dogs they can be. Her knowledge and perspective are reflected in the advice and tips she offers when need be. She has a positive energy that is contagious and it is always a pleasure to join her for the walks. She’s really in this for the love of dogs!”

Kendra adds: “I immediately loved having Chantal and Johnny Cash in class. They both are such beautiful souls; always happy, curious and positive. I often take candid photos of dogs and their pet parents and what I find unique about this duo is that no matter when I take a pic they are consistently smiling in each and every photo. When you look closely they are always looking into each other's eyes with pure joy and connection, like they share a secret the rest of us will never know.”

Johnny Cash’s Biggest Training Challenges: Before ZENFUL, JC would always be nervous around new dogs, never knowing if a dog would attack him—due to past experiences. Now, he’s much more relaxed and very curious about other dogs.

Chantal describes Johnny Cash’s Biggest Training Successes: It is always a success when Mister Cash meets a new dog and has a good interaction. It builds his confidence! He is still a bit nervous around certain dogs, but so much better than when we first started, and that’s thanks to Kendra and ZENFUL. I am sooo proud of him!”

Chantal describes Johnny Cash’s Most Rewarding Training Moments: Every single time we join the Cani-Club, which is pretty much every weekend, he is so excited to see his many friends again! His best pal Bandit has been such a great mentor for him!”

Kendra’s Reflections on Johnny Cash: “Johnny Cash is a chatty fellow, full of expression and character, and I can't imagine trails without him. Chantal is a ray of light that I admire and am honoured to call my friend. They are an example of what we should all hope to accomplish in our relationships with our dogs.”

Don’t forget to follow ZENFULdog Training on Facebook where you can stay connected to your like-minded dog-loving community every day. Also, a very special “Thank You!” goes out to Chantal and her family for providing so much of the content for this feature.

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