Having a dog is having another member of the family. Like all members of a family your dog likes to take part in activities. Sometimes it can be hard figuring out how to make everything work with busy schedules. A fun game that is helpful for teaching recalls and learning how to recall well is to play Recall Games. This game can be started at any age and can be played throughout your dog's life.
How to play
1. Stand in a circle (small circle if it is a new game or if your dog's physical abilities require it) 2. Everyone has treats (not visible/out of hands) 3. Predetermine the order of calling your dog. Example: mom, daughter, dad and then son. 4. 1st person calls dog. Example: Max, COME! Dog comes, mark it (say YES or Click with clicker), crouch, treat and pet your dog, hold collar for a second and pet more. Try to be concise in your cue. Do not repeat your cue over and over. Your cue will be more valuable if it is said one time and it helps for your cue to sound fun and inviting. Always give your dog time to think, he will probably surprise you by responding according to your cue. 5. Stand up tall and end the interaction. 6. 2nd person calls dog and repeat step 4 7. Each person gets a turn 8. Play for 5 minutes (10 minutes maximum) and then tell your dog it is all done and do something else. Everyone can relax together.
Play the game inside your house for the least distractions or in your own yard. Always ensure everyone's safety. A fenced area or a long line for your dog (never pull your dog over with the long line when asking for a recall it is for safety and emergencies only).
